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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Big Memphis Flood - 2011

Mike and I went downtown to the river yesterday to see the swollen Mississippi. As kids we sometimes saw the river creep across the low spot on Riverside Drive, but never anything like this. The river crested just about a foot short of the crest in the big 1937 flood.Most of the city is fine, but the river has encroached on many neighborhoods causing evacuations and loss of property. The river, usually a half mile wide, is now three miles wide.

Photos below were taken at and around Jefferson Davis Park on Riverside Drive near Jefferson St. -- just below Confederate Park further up the bluff. Below you'll see nearly submerged park benches, sidewalks and driveways covered by river water and debris, and a river boat's gangway that only river catfish can access. There's also a photo of what's left to see of Mud Island with its flags waving above the water. The one above is a beautiful photo of the sun going down over the Arkansas side of the river and forming a spotlight on the statue of Jefferson Davis, former pesident of the Confederacy.

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