
PLUNK GENEALOGY -- see "Family" label on this blog and/or write Mike at

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Zombies on the Road

This tidbit gets filed under the heading of "strange, but true."

Recently outside Portland, OR, a carload of folks were headed to a party -- a zombie party. The car began swerving erratically, then crashed and flipped. Witnesses and first-responders were initially horrified at the carnage based on the apparent amount of blood and shredded clothing, not knowing that zombie costumes and make-up were involved.

All those taken from the car were sent to a hospital to sort out real from fake injuries. Just imagine the faces of emergency room personnel when these folks started rolling in.

Interestingly, authorities believe that more people were in the vehicle and ran from the scene on foot. I'm thinkin' that those were the real un-dead.

You can read the whole story here --

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