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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Go Tigers Go!

It’s game day and, as I sit here wearing my University of Memphis tee-shirt, I must write this post before the game clock ticks off any more time and I face depression. The University of Memphis meets Ole Miss today for the season opener as we have for many, many years.

It’s a near-ancient rivalry. Despite the fact that I know some of the reasons for the sometimes bitter feelings, I won’t go into them now. I have good friends who graduated from Ole Miss and I love them despite their misguided choice of universities. I rarely think about Ole Miss. They’ve actually come a long way in rehabilitating their image. But on game day -- -- I hate Ole Miss.

The stats on the Tiger-Rebels confrontations do not paint a pretty picture. Mike recently viewed a 1935 yearbook from what was then Normal State Teachers College, now the U/Mem. The football team was called the Teachers and the final score from that pigskin meeting was Rebels – 44, Teachers – 0.

I remember attending a Memphis-Ole Miss game back when I was in high school. We had what appeared to be terrible seats in the end zone, but that’s where the high drama took place in the very last minutes of the game. We held Ole Miss to a 0-0 final score and left the stadium caryying on as if we had won.

We’ve come out on top sometimes, but this year -- -- they’re in the top 10; they’re already on the scoreboard; and we’re not.

As loyal fans, we’re going to cheer on our Tiger football team, but I have to wonder. When does basketball season start?

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