After six, long, stressful weeks away from home, we are finally back in lovely Southaven. Most importantly, we can say "mission accomplished." Despite leaving CA on Saturday with sunny 80 degrees and arriving at midnight to 30-something degree temps, our home never looked more beautiful.
Congrats and appreciation to Marcy who kept the blog alive and Mike's son James who housesat and kept Kitty Scarlett alive. Little Scarlett was extremely happy and relieved at our return despite having made friends with James in our absence. She’s still spending an inordinate amount of time on my lap.
My gratitude also to dear Cousin Bill who spent the first week with Alex and me to help us get around, etc. He departed Oct. 8 when Mike flew out for the duration. Profound thanks to all of you who held us in your thoughts and prayers during this challenge. It made all the difference.
We were on a mission, which I'll discuss in a later post, so most of our time was tightly focused. We did, however, plan outings for most afternoons. Mile Square Park with its beautiful lakes and walking areas became a favorite. We strolled Seal Beach. Ate at the restaurant on the pier at Huntington Beach where we enjoyed the sights including a soapbox preacher and an unreformed hippie who hammered a nail into his head for donations. I promise you. At Laguna Beach we were lucky enough to catch a free concert at main beach.
We found a $1.75 movie theater that provided a few afternoons of entertainment. We explored a couple of malls and, with all the walking, Mike and I each lost a couple of pounds, and that’s a good thing.
But the best fun came on the last two days. On Friday we had lunch with a wonderful bunch of friends and colleagues.It warmed my heart to see their faces, laugh and catch up on news and gossip. The restaurant where we gathered, by the way, is named Memphis. A fitting choice.
On Saturday-departure day, Niece Ruth and her husband Steve met us at the airport for a chatty lunch. One of the new, fun facts I learned was that Ruth also plays my favorite video game. Yes, the phrases “grown women” and “vi
deo games” can logically appear in the same sentence. It’s good exercise for all those brain synapses.
Mike and I carefully put the camera in our carry-on bag for an airport photo, but got so involved in conversation that we forgot to get the photo. So a stock photo of Ruth will have to do for now.
I have a list of blog topics that I’ll be getting to in the coming days, so stop by again. In the meantime, you can see more CA lunch pics at Actually, photos aren't posting right now to this blog so all are on xtra stuff.I'll figure it out. More photos are probably headed this way. I’ll post them when they arrive.
Congrats and appreciation to Marcy who kept the blog alive and Mike's son James who housesat and kept Kitty Scarlett alive. Little Scarlett was extremely happy and relieved at our return despite having made friends with James in our absence. She’s still spending an inordinate amount of time on my lap.
My gratitude also to dear Cousin Bill who spent the first week with Alex and me to help us get around, etc. He departed Oct. 8 when Mike flew out for the duration. Profound thanks to all of you who held us in your thoughts and prayers during this challenge. It made all the difference.
We were on a mission, which I'll discuss in a later post, so most of our time was tightly focused. We did, however, plan outings for most afternoons. Mile Square Park with its beautiful lakes and walking areas became a favorite. We strolled Seal Beach. Ate at the restaurant on the pier at Huntington Beach where we enjoyed the sights including a soapbox preacher and an unreformed hippie who hammered a nail into his head for donations. I promise you. At Laguna Beach we were lucky enough to catch a free concert at main beach.
We found a $1.75 movie theater that provided a few afternoons of entertainment. We explored a couple of malls and, with all the walking, Mike and I each lost a couple of pounds, and that’s a good thing.
But the best fun came on the last two days. On Friday we had lunch with a wonderful bunch of friends and colleagues.It warmed my heart to see their faces, laugh and catch up on news and gossip. The restaurant where we gathered, by the way, is named Memphis. A fitting choice.
On Saturday-departure day, Niece Ruth and her husband Steve met us at the airport for a chatty lunch. One of the new, fun facts I learned was that Ruth also plays my favorite video game. Yes, the phrases “grown women” and “vi

Mike and I carefully put the camera in our carry-on bag for an airport photo, but got so involved in conversation that we forgot to get the photo. So a stock photo of Ruth will have to do for now.
I have a list of blog topics that I’ll be getting to in the coming days, so stop by again. In the meantime, you can see more CA lunch pics at Actually, photos aren't posting right now to this blog so all are on xtra stuff.I'll figure it out. More photos are probably headed this way. I’ll post them when they arrive.
Four years after President Bush landed on an aircraft carrier and declared ‘Mission Accomplished,’ we are still in a war where more than one hundred American service members have died in just the month of April. We grieve for them today and urge the President to avoid making another tragic mistake by signing the bill that will end this war and bring our troops home.
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Welcome Home! :)
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